The demystification of the process will not do away with the mystery of the results.

Jasia Reichart (Cybernetics, Art and Ideas, Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1971)

The demystification of the process will not do away with the mystery of the results.

Jasia Reichart ( Cybernetics, Art and Ideas, Greenwich, CT: New York Graphic Society, 1971)

Ivana Gagić Kičinbači_arist photo_studio

SEVEN - THE 7 DEADLY SINS, group video exhibition from 22nd to 26th October, Espace Vision' Art Gallery, 27 rue du Sommerard, 75005, Paris, France                                

Wonder, an international collective exhibition by curator Beatrice Cordaro at Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo, Rome, from July 5th to July 21st, 2024

Venice Prize 2024: Art Meetings In Venice, Colors and Light, International Exhibition curated by the Paveri Fontana Gallery at Palazzo da Mula, Fondamenta da Mula 153, 30141, Murano, Venice, Italy, from July 5 to July 7, 2024

Contemporary Art Explore—4 Master Artists Edition, a book on contemporary art by the studioarte22 team and by Italian historian and art curator Beatrice Cordaro  Contemporary Art Explore—4 Master Artists Edition   

CONTEMPORARY ART EXPLORE A journey through art_ Artists 

Masterful Minds Magazine Vol. 2, ​Digital Magazine curated by Circle Arts and published by World Wide Art, 2024

The 44th Mini Print International of Cadaqués will open on June 29th at Taller Galeria Fort, Girona, Spain

Exhibition at the Diocesan Museum Francesco Gonzaga in Mantua (Italy) in June 2024

Points of View, an international collective exhibition at The Tilde Gallery in Palermo, Italy, from June 1st to 15th, 2024

The International Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak 2024, jury: Nobuko Hosokawa (Japan), Chris Long (UK), and Peter Boyadjieff (Bulgaria)/Kazanlak, Bulgaria

ARTEOMASTERPIECES Vol. 1 | Virtual Exhibition for the official release of the Art Catalogue | May 24, 2024 | Curated and edited by Arteom Gallery ARTEOMASTERPIECES Vol. 1 Art Catalog    ARTEOMASTERPIECES Vol. 1 | Virtual Exhibition 

TIMES SQUARE in New York: artworks showcased in collaboration with Arteom Gallery on April 25, 2024. REEL

Contemporary Art Curator Magazine Issue 2 / 2025, Visionaries: Artists Shaping The Future. Creative Catalysts for Change: The Artistic Activism

World Art Day, 2nd International Invited Online Exhibition, Curators: Prof. Hatice KETEN / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezgi TOKDİL / Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekin Su KUZU, Artmeezgallery Contemporary Art Platform, Turkey

AEXPO, 2nd International Online Art Exhibition of Professors at Teacher Education Studies

36th edition of Spotlight, Contemporary Art Magazine, showcasing an exclusive curation of 100 fine artists from around the globe

Contemporary Art Explore—3 Master Artists Edition, a book on contemporary art by the studioarte22 team and by Italian historian and art curator Beatrice Cordaro  Contemporary Art Explore—3 Master Artists Edition

Global Art Virtuoso: Elite Artistic Career Achievement Award by Contemporary Art Collectors, 2024

Contemporary Art Explore—2 Master Artists Edition, a book on contemporary art by the studioarte22 team and by Italian historian and art curator Beatrice Cordaro  Contemporary Art Explore—2 Master Artists Edition

Biography-Contemporary art, an online volume of international contemporary art, edition La Notizia, Italy  

Harmony for Humanity: The Global Consciousness Art Prize Awarded by Contemporary Art Collectors on September 25th, 2023

SEVEN - THE 7 DEADLY SINS, group video exhibition, Espace Vision' Art Gallery, Paris, France, from 22nd to 26th October 2024

Wonder, an international collective exhibition by curator Beatrice Cordaro at Palazzo Rospigliosi, Zagarolo, Rome, from July 5th to July 21st, 2024  /wonder-esposizione-collettiva-di-artisti-internazionali-a-cura-di-beatrice-cordaro/

Venice Prize 2024: Art Meetings In Venice, Colors and Light, International Exhibition curated by the Paveri Fontana Gallery at Palazzo da Mula, Fondamenta da Mula 153, 30141, Murano, Venice, Italy, from July 5 to July 7, 2024

Contemporary Art Explore—4 Master Artists Edition, a book on contemporary art by the studioarte22 team and by Italian historian and art curator Beatrice Cordaro  Contemporary Art Explore—4 Master Artists Edition   

CONTEMPORARY ART EXPLORE A journey through art_ Artists 

Masterful Minds Magazine Vol. 2, ​Digital Magazine curated by Circle Arts and published by World Wide Art, 2024

The 44th Mini Print International of Cadaqués will open on June 29th at Taller Galeria Fort, Girona, Spain

The International Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak 2024, jury: Nobuko Hosokawa (Japan), Chris Long (UK), and Peter Boyadjieff (Bulgaria)/Kazanlak, Bulgaria

Exhibition at the Diocesan Museum Francesco Gonzaga in Mantua (Italy) in June 2024

Points of View, an international collective exhibition at The Tilde Gallery in Palermo, Italy, from June 1st to 15th, 2024

ARTEOMASTERPIECES Vol. 1 | Virtual Exhibition for the official release of the Art Catalogue | May 24, 2024 | Curated and edited by Arteom Gallery ARTEOMASTERPIECES Vol. 1 Art Catalog    ARTEOMASTERPIECES Vol. 1 | Virtual Exhibition 

TIMES SQUARE in New York: artworks showcased in collab with Arteom Gallery on 24.5.2024. REEL

Contemporary Art Curator Magazine Issue 2 / 2025, Visionaries: Artists Shaping The Future. Creative Catalysts for Change: The Artistic Activism

World Art Day, 2nd International Invited Online Exhibition, Curators: Prof. Hatice KETEN / Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezgi TOKDİL / Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekin Su KUZU, Artmeezgallery Contemporary Art Platform, Turkey

AEXPO, 2nd International Online Art Exhibition of Professors at Teacher Education Studies

36th edition of Spotlight, Contemporary Art Magazine, showcasing an exclusive curation of 100 fine artists from around the globe

Contemporary Art Explore—3 Master Artists Edition, a book on contemporary art by the studioarte22 team and by Italian historian and art curator Beatrice Cordaro  Contemporary Art Explore—3 Master Artists Edition

Global Art Virtuoso: Elite Artistic Career Achievement Award by Contemporary Art Collectors, 2024

Contemporary Art Explore—2 Master Artists Edition, a book on contemporary art by the studioarte22 team and by Italian historian and art curator Beatrice Cordaro  Contemporary Art Explore—2 Master Artists Edition

Biography-Contemporary art, an online volume of contemporary art, edition La Notizia, Italy            

Harmony for Humanity: The Global Consciousness Art Prize awarded by  Contemporary Art Collectors,  2023

Ivana Gagić Kičinbači, Venice, Digital Print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag Satin, 80 x 80 cm, 2023

Venice, Digital drawing on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Satin, 80 x 80 cm, 2023

Venice, Digital drawing on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Satin, 80 x 80 cm, 2023

AAVV Noon-chi, a collective exhibition of contemporary art curated by Beatrice Cordaro, Palazzo Velli, Rome, Italy; September 13th, 2023—October 7th, 2023  AAVV Noon-chi exhibition catalog 

International Prize Leonardo da Vinci, Curated by Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Saverio Russo, National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Milan, Italy Award ceremony at the Leonardo da Vinci Science and Technology Museum in Milan, Italy

Contemporary Art Collectors Online Exhibition 'Beyond Utopia: Visions of a Perfect World', an invited exhibition, from June 15 to October 1, 2023

AAVV Noon-chi, a collective exhibition of contemporary art curated by Beatrice Cordaro, Palazzo Velli, Rome, Italy; September 13th, 2023—October 7th, 2023   AAVV Noon-chi exhibition catalog 

International Prize Leonardo da Vinci, curated by Dr. Salvatore Russo and Dr. Francesco Saverio Russo, National Museum of Science and Technology Leonardo da Vinci, Milan, Italy 

Contemporary Art Collectors Online Exhibition 'Beyond Utopia: Visions of a Perfect World', an invited exhibition, from June 15 to October 1, 2023 

Ivana Gagić Kičinbači 3 Croatia

Blessed are Those Who Endure in Peace, Digital drawing on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Satin, 80 x 80 cm, 2022

Blessed are Those Who Endure in Peace, Digital drawing on Hahnemühle Photo Rag Satin, 80 x 80 cm, 2022

2nd Prize  design award for a book project and contest "Magic of La Bohème - An Homage to Paris and Puccini", editor: Kurt Riese, Germany

The 43rd Mini Print International of Cadaqués will open on June 24, 2023, at Taller Galeria Fort, Girona, Spain

5th Annual International Miniature Printmaking Exhibition, Authentic Marks & Glows, Dubai Design District, July 15–22, 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

22nd Lessedra World Art Print Annual—Mini Print 2023, Lessedra Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 15th, 2022–September 30th, 2023

TOP ARTISTS – The Protagonists of Contemporary Art, selected for the art project held on May 18, 2023, at Capitulary Hall of the Palace of St. Theodore, Venice, Italy


Excellent Art 2022 (Exzellente Kunst 2022) book design award, book project and contest “Enter into Art”, Germany

Artbook project and contest  "Magic of La Bohème: An Homage to Paris and Puccini", editor: Kurt Riese, Germany

Artmeezgallery Contemporary Art Platform, International Invited Online Exhibition, Curators: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ezgi TOKDL, Assoc. Prof. Hatice KETEN, and Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekin Su LAMB, Turkey, 2023

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42nd Mini Print International of Cadaqués, L'Etangd'Art Gallery, Bages, France, from November 19, 2022, to January 15, 2023

International Jury Award - 2nd prize for drawing “Blessed are those who endure in peace” on International Art Competition "LOUNGE 2022",  Germany;  Jury: Jette van der Velde, Norway, Iosif Mihailo, Romania (professor), Kumnam Baik, South Korea (professor), Lurdi Blauth, Brazil (lecturer),  Melinda Kostelac, Croatia (professor), Majlinda Kelmendi, Albania (professor), Vicky Tsalamata, Greece (professor) 

Ivana Gagić Kičinbači_Priča s početka_crtež tušem_560 cm x 250 cm_Idealni grad_2019 HDR

The Story from the Beginning, Indian Ink on Paper, 560 cm x 250 cm, Idealni grad Gallery, 2019

The Story from the Beginning, Indian Ink on Paper, 560 cm x 250 cm, Idealni grad Gallery, 2019

42nd Fundació Tharrats d'Art Gràfic, Pineda de Mar, Barcelona, Spain, from October 14 to November 6, 2022

42nd Mini Print International of Cadaqués, Wingfield Barns, Wingfield, United Kingdom, from July 30 to September 4, 2022

Artbook project and contest "Excellent Art 2022: Exzellente Kunst 2022",  editor: Gabriele Walter, Germany

The Annual Member’s Exhibition, Croatian Association of Fine Artists, Home of HDLU, Zagreb, Croatia

42nd Mini Print International of Cadaqués, Taller Galeria Fort, Girona, Spain

The International Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak 2022, jury: Hui Ju Chang (Taiwan), Agata Dworzak-Subocz (Poland), and Peter Boyadjieff (Bulgaria)/Kazanlak, Bulgaria

21st Lessedra World Art Print Annual — Mini Print 2022, Lessedra Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects, Sofia, Bulgaria 

Forum_Kompozicija-za-tebe_web nova

Composition for YouIndian ink on paper, 91 cm x 1800 cm,  Forum Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia, 2018

Galerija Forum, 2018.              Kompozicija za tebe / Composition for You             tuš /Indian ink, 91 cm x 1800 cm, 2018.

Galerija Forum, 2018.             Kompozicija za tebe / Composition for You                        tuš /Indian ink, 91 cm x 1800 cm, 2018.

Galerija Forum, 2018.          Kompozicija za tebe / Composition for You            tuš /Indian ink, 91 cm x 1800 cm, 2018.

Composition for You,  Indian ink, 91 cm x 1800 cm,  Gallery Forum, Zagreb, Croatia

Arte. Edition: Chillida, an exhibition in collaboration with fashion designer Loreta Gudelj, Forum Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia, 2018

Arte. Edition: Chillida, an exhibition in collaboration with fashion designer Loreta Gudelj, Forum Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia

AEXPO 2022., 1st International Online Art Exhibition of Professors at Teacher Education Studies, hosted by the Faculty of Education in Osijek, Croatia

International Exhibition by Artists: University Teachers, 2nd International Scientific and Art Conference Contemporary Themes in Education (CTE 2), University of Zagreb, Croatia

Authentic Marks: 4th Annual International Miniature Printmaking Exhibition, Dubai Design District, Dubai, UAE

The winner of the Honourable Mention book design award as part of the book project "Odyssey of Life: Homage to Homer", editor: Kurt Ries, Germany

Artbook project and contest “Odyssey of Life: Homage to Homer”, editor: Kurt Ries, Germany

Artbook project and contest “Fairytale Art for Mozart”, editor: Gabriele Walter, Germany


Communio, 8th Triennial of Croatian Sculpture, The Glyptotheque, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, Croatia

Communio, 8th Triennial of Croatian Sculpture, The Glyptotheque, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Zagreb, Croatia


 All my fountains are in You, solo exhibition, SC Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia

All my fountains are in You, solo exhibition, SC Gallery, Zagreb, Croatia

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13th Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition, Greenwich Arts Council, Bendheim Gallery, Greenwich, CT, USA, from December 9, 2021, to January 5, 2022

41st Mini Print International of Cadaqués, L'Etangd'Art Gallery, Bages, France, from November 18, 2021, to January 16, 2022

The Awagami International Mini-Print Exhibition (‘A.I.M.P.E’), "Inbe Art Space", Yoshinogawa City, Tokushima, Japan

 13th Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition; Juror: Christina Weyl, an independent art historian who writes about midcentury American printmaking and women artists;  Center for Contemporary Printmaking Norwalk, Grace Ross Shanley Gallery, Connecticut, USA  www.miniprint_2021_catalog

The International Contemporary Miniprint of Kazanlak, the jury: Eric Mummery (Canada), Christiaan Diedericks (South Africa), and Peter Boyadjieff (Bulgaria); Kazanlak, Bulgaria

20th Lessedra World Art Print Annual — Mini Print 2021, LESSEDRA Gallery & Contemporary Art Projects, Sofia, Bulgaria

41st Mini Print International of Cadaqués, Taller Galeria Fort, Girona, Spain, from June 26 to September 30, 2021

41st Mini Print International of Cadaqués, Wingfield Barns, Wingfield, United Kingdom, from July 31 to September 5, 2021

"Amber Award - Print" digital print "The Earth" won the award in the "6th Enter into Art 2020/2021" international competition for small-format prints in Germany

